The Compliment Sandwich Doesn't Work
The compliment sandwich doesn't work. It destroys the value of the compliments and fails to provide effective feedback. Here's what to do.
The Compliment Sandwich Doesn't Work
Leadership Shifts the Bounds Of Possibility
Strength Isn’t Leadership. Believing It Is Often Leads to Failure.
Leadership is Learned. So is a Lack of Leadership.
Get on the Floor (Particularly if You Supervise Other Leaders)
"What You Know" Can Still Get You Fired
What to Do With Feedback
Imposter Syndrome is a Myth
The Four Components of a Successful Compliment
A Functional Perspective on HBR's Social Connections
The Three Ways to Recieve a Compliment
Wouldn’t You Rather People Hold Each Other Accountable?
Seven Ways to Begin Giving Constant Feedback (and Avoid the Pitfalls of the Performance Review)
The Foundation of Culture is Work (Part 1, Organizational Culture Change)